In order to meet the demands of the ever-growing contracting world and to continue to provide creative and competitive solutions for the business sector, we needed to take a proactive step. The merger of two contracting companies in 2018 gave birth to TAMAM ALMEMAR General Contracting (TAMARC).

TAMARC specialized in construction, general con-tracting, and project management in Saudi Arabia.

We offer a myriad of service packages, which include: studies/design, project management, construction works, general contracting, and post-construction services.


  • Our vision is to be the preferred contracting and construction company in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia.

  • To provide quality services in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner through project management and precise implementation, whilst sustaining maximum value for our clients.

  • At TAMARC we hold our key values sacred. We strive to maintain the highest standards of quality throughout out projects, which include safety, leadership and transparency.


Our Services

Studies & Designs

Execution and Execution Management

Technical Supervision, Project Management

Why US?

A Team of Specialists

Because specialization is the most important element to success, we have employed a highly qualified team.

We provide all the services needed for a construction project in order to achieve our client’s goals

Comprehensive Services

Understanding our client’s needs

We carefully study our client’s needs. We offer a myriad of service packages in order to meet their varying demands.

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